Fitness is a Journey
Vee is a Personal Trainer, Pilates & Yoga Teacher based in Hythe, Hampshire UK, with nearly 20 years teaching & coaching experience. Vee offers both in-person, online, 1:2:1 training and classes on the edge of the beautiful New Forest right next to the coast.
Personal Training - 1:2:1, 2:2:1
Pilates & Fitness Pilates
Pre & Postnatal (one to one only)
MenoFit Coach
Chair based training
Exercise referral
Private group sessions & Corporate

Personal Training
It’s an investment
We all already know the benefits of regular exercise, I want to share with you how the tailored guidance and support Vee offers will take you to another level. Personal training with Vee is a transformative investment for you if you are seeking a sustainable and significant lifestyle change, as well as a better relationship with your body.
Vee has transformed her own life, as well as that of her past and present clients, and will be able to get you further faster than you could go alone. Vee’s experience will allow her to understand your journey in such a way that she can offer you insights, tips, and shine light on your blindspots so you can finally get to where you want to be.
Expertise, motivation, accountability, emotional support, incredible workouts – all things you get from investing in personal training with Vee.
Personal training will help you foster mental resilience, confidence, and a sense of empowerment that extends far beyond your sessions.

In Person Classes
What would you like to achieve?
Scroll down the page for the full up to date class timetable
Flexibility, mindfulness & relaxation? Yoga
Try my friendly & welcoming yoga classes across the New Forest to help you gain some inner peace - suitable for any level from beginners to advanced. You don't need to be super flexible either! It's about how you feel, not how you look!
Strength & Toning? Legs, Bums & Tum's Circuits
Have you got stubborn areas that you'd like to shape? Try my fun Legs, Bums, & Tums (LBT) circuit class in a friendly, non-judgmental environment. It's also non-impact (no jumping or running) and makes use of booty bands, kettle bells & dumb bells, battle ropes & body weight exercises. This is an excellent complimentary class to help you strengthen & tone weaker areas such as the core, legs, hips, and back.
Pilates focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and are essential to providing support for the spine. Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the deep abdominal muscles. Pilates can help strengthen the spine (aiding back problems), strengthen & tone the abs, strengthen your breathing, and your ability to concentrate, relax and focus.
Exercises are done stood, lying down, on your side and in 4 point kneeling. I teach mat work classes, sometimes adding in resistance bands, balls, rings and rollers.


Pilates, Yoga & Sound Bath Retreat
Saturday 22nd March 2025
10am - 4pm
Boldre War Memorial Hall
Wellbeing investment £75 (Inc. Lunch)
Last 5 Spaces Left!!

Yoga Nidra Audio
Yoga Nidra has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress, and can make you feel happier with a more postive outlook.
Yoga Nidra is suitable for anyone to participate in. In this Yoga Nidra audio series with accompanying PDF. You'll find eight Yoga Nidra and relaxation practices via audio, they are also transcribed. There are 4 one hour practices, one forty minute, one 20 minute yoga Nidra, as well as a 10 minute body scan relaxation, and an express 5 minute seated meditation when you are short on time. All of these are audio only. In the PDF, there is a welcome video, and two breathing practices to help you to relax. The PDF explains what yoga nidra is including all of the benefits.
Please click on the button below, this will take you to Gymcatch - go to the 'On-demand' section to purchase your yoga Nidra audio set.

Menofit With Vee
MenoFit is designed to support women experiencing menopause symptoms through exercise classes and advice from Vee your local MenoFit coach.
MenoFit is a holistic approach to women's health, well being, fitness & nutrition.
This 7 day comprehensive MenoFit programme contains links to workout videos, and breathing techniques to bring calm to a chaotic mind. There is a detailed face yoga programme to tone the muscles of the jawline, cheeks & eyes. 14 day food menu and a handy shopping list, and much much more!

Saturday 15th March 2025
3 sessions - 10:30, 11:30 & 12:30
Sarisbury Green Community Centre
This is a class like no other, and a great way to let out your inner kid!

Hythe In-person & Online Classes
My Hythe based studio is a short walk from the sea, peaceful, & privately located (SO45).
Classes are held here every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday evening. Yoga classes are 1 hour, Pilates is around 1 hour, and LBT is 45 minutes.
These classes are super friendly, welcoming, and all mixed ages & abilities.
Online Pilates classes are every Thursday 6:15pm.
Online Yoga Every Thursday 7:30-8:30pm.
Class Timetable
(Link takes you to the Gymcatch booking app)
Fitness Pilates Starting March 2025!

Fitness Pilates
Fitness Pilates is challenging yet safe exercise that promotes a balanced body, a longer, leaner, toned shape, superb posture, a flat stomach, a strong back and increased mobility and flexibility. It also increases strength and endurance, improves balance and co-ordination, all without producing over developed or bulky muscles.
Fitness Pilates coming soon!
Register your interest below.

Events Coming Up....
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Series
Sunday 30th March 2025
5:00-6:30pm @ The Studio
The practice allows you to slow down, relax, and turn inward, which helps alleviate stress and restore your energy levels. Yin yoga also improves flexibility, boosts circulation, and reduces tension.
Future dates in the series; 27th April, 25th May, 15th June and 20th July.
The sessions are also available online if you are unable to attend in person.
Abs & Core Online Workshop coming soon!
Body Boost
Weight Loss Workshop
Now available in the 'on demand' section on Gymcatch. This workshop is ideal for anyone committed to changing lifestyle habits. This session is pre-recorded and you will receive the workshop video and accompanying PDF which has all the information and magic formulas you need to get started!


Corporate events are a great way to help your employees feel valued and increase productivity.
Get in touch if you would like a bespoke package to get your team building event underway.
Some of my corporate clients include; New Forest District Council, The Countryside Education Trust, TMT Legal Services, and Mucky Buckets.